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WE KNOW IT For better Life · Environment · Industry
01 Smart Video Security
Our technology based on Korean standardized lightweight model supports
real-time object detection, de-identification, and copyright information
management for high-definition and large-size videos. Object Detection
makes it possible to automatically detect moving objects (e.g., humans,
vehicles) in videos, and Re-identification provides the service of masking
a designated object. Watermark function helps to protect personal video
information safely by adding the watermark of copyright information to
one’ copyrighted video.
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02 Smart Video Analysis
In multi-channel CCTV videos, it is possible to recognize identical objects
and match them on the basis of similarity. Our technology is capable of
displaying the objects to search in the order of similarity by detecting and
tracking objects and comparing the objects detected in CCTV videos with
the objects to search.
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03 Social Safety
Real-time analysis of situation and actions are performed in interaction
with the location information and bio information of field workers, a variety
of sensors installed in sites, and CCTVs. Therefore, it is possible to make
integrated management for sites. Through selective control, it is possible
to detect, analyze, and monitor situations in real time, and manage all
workers in a section completely and safely. Based on workers’ bio signals
and location information, it is possible to detect their collapse, fall, and
other health conditions, to check whether or not they access restricted
areas, and to analyze emergency situations in order to give an alarm.
In addition, equipment collision can be predicted so as to make an alarm.
All alarms are sent through internet and mobile.
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04 Total Management
Our integrated management system supports the systematic operation
of control center. Based on GIS, the system provides various functions
and dashboard for efficient asset operation, such as CCTV and station-
by-station asset management, real-time fault control, checklist, and
attendance management. By checking the states of the registered
CCTVs in real time, it is possible to produce the expectancy effect
of saving manpower and physical costs.
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